First Experience of Gender

#experience of gender_#Male_#femail_#assignment of first experience of gender_#mba assignment_#introduction of gender_transgenger

Gender is refer the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

I found myself in gender realization at age of seven when my class teacher separate my class into two groups, I found that all the children are not same, some of us are boys and some are girls, though it was a biological discrimination but it is the first thing which pinch me, the next time I remember the gender discrimination at the time of my early teenage, when I was told that I am a man, I have to study hard to succeed in life, becoming the earning member of the family and all the sisters of mine are less efficient, they have to have married first after completing their education, if they want choose any kind of career, they can only after getting their in lows permission.

I was born on 1998 in conservative Brahmin family of rural Bengal. I am single child of my parents. They brought up me with over fondness. I did not even get grandmother and grandfather from the early days . So, in our family only three (3) members are there. My mother is always very much supporting me she is also my first  friend . Though  both  of  them  love  me a lot .  when I  was  5  years  old  they  admitted me to a nursery school.  After one week  our class teacher gave us a notice to come to with uniform from next week .  My another took me to a cloth store my mother took me to a cloth store near to our house . There i wear two or three  shirt  and pant  for getting the perfect size dress . At last my mother decide a dress which was slightly bigger than the required size for me . On the first day with uniform  when I reached School i noticed  some of our classmate not dressed up with some uniform as me. When I returned home at  noon, I  immediate asked  my mother that  why some of my friends were different type of dress.  My father then  told me about difference of dress  of  them  i.e.  my father and mother on that day my father gave me some views of Gender and I could understand that I was boy as well as male person.  My father is also like me. We are same but I feel bad for my mother as she is not in our side but my father told me that we and mother all  are also same. No discrimination is there.  So on that  day I understand about the gender and also learn from my family that all are the same .
But slowly I become  getting elder.  I understand that  there are lots of difference between male and female. In our parents some economic situation still some people look after their girl child as their border .  As a result  when I was reading class  X about  50%  of my classmate was girl , but  in XI or XII  i could not final lots of the fear as before. So ,  I think as male, or boy , Parents always encourage as to learn and make as go through the higher education to settle in life properly.

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